The connection between OCD and anxiety is very close. The very obsession, because of the way OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) manifests, is the one creating a deep feeling of anxiety. The truth is that OCD sufferers live in tension almost their entire time.

You should make the following exercise to understand the way an OCD patient feels like every day.

You leave your home, let’s say for a nice weekend in a resort. Suddenly, a thought crosses your mind. Did you turn off the coffee machine?
You’re not sure, because you left in such a big hurry. But what if the appliance is still running? It may cause a fault, and the whole house will burn to the ground by the time you return.
The thought gets so intense that you eventually turn back your car to find some relief, checking to see if the coffee machine is on or not.
It is the way OCD patients live every day, and in some cases, the scenarios become of catastrophic proportions.

OCD and anxiety

Anxiety, a part of everyday life

Under these circumstances, it is no wonder anxiety is so present, compared to ordinary situations.
In order to diminish the presence of anxiety, people who suffer from OCD, transform their obsession following into a real ritual.
Each time they experience an obsessive though, they will do the necessary steps to find some relief.

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Let’s take other examples of rituals, for a better understanding of the matter. Just think about the case of an alcoholic, or intensive smoker. Each one will find the urge to drink or smoke, they will follow the need in order to find relief, but they will also enjoy the entire process of drinking or smoking.

In the case of an OCD patient, the anxiety and panic can become so pressuring that they will do whatever necessary to put an end to the situation. They will eventually find some relief, but they will never enjoy the process.
All because they want to escape anxiety, at least temporarily.


The fuel for creating unhealthy rituals
Anxiety is what creates the urge to create a repetitive behavior, in order to escape from the obsessions or intrusive thoughts produced by OCD.

To find a little piece of mind, an OCD patient will start having a ritual-like behavior, because it reduces the intensity of anxiety.
But this in only a downward spiral, because it enhances the disorder and makes the obsessions even greater.

Thus, the risks of aggravating the OCD are significant. If you find yourself in a situation where you develop checking behavior or turn your daily activities into a ritual, otherwise you experience intense states of anxiety, it is highly advisable to seek a specialist.

Responding through repetitive behavior to your anxiety moods will only worsen things, because the relief you will find is only temporary.

A specialist in OCD and anxiety disorders will be able to help you out, as this is a matter that you won’t be able to deal with your own.
If neglected, your anxiety, rituals and obsessions will soon affect your life, your work and the relationships with your loved ones.