In the list of mental disorders, perhaps OCD is one of the most disturbing. OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a problem that affects the brain and, implicit, the behavior.
Because of the symptoms the disease has, one can find very hard to lead a normal life or to unroll the activities he considers important in a usual manner, just like anybody else.

Just imagine yourself being paralyzed by the fear that something terrible might happens.
The chances of that particular thing to happen are the lowest and often it seems like nonsense even for the OCD sufferers.

But still the fear and anxiety are so hard to drive away. Why?
You see, in the case of OCD, a particular unwanted thought appears from nowhere, invading the mind of the patient by repeating over and again. Since it is usually a negative view, it produces fear and anxiety as a normal brain response to solve the matter. The only problem is that you cannot find a solution to a situation that exist only in your mind.

Do You Know, What is OCD?

Facts about OCD manifestation

People affected by obsessive compulsive disorder suffer from both obsessions and compulsions at the same time.

  • The Obsessions

They are the thoughts that considered to be out of control, by the patient, due to the repetitive nature of a particular thought.
Just think about the fact that the idea of -being contaminated by a deadly virus- is being played on and on inside your head, without having the power to control the process.


Now you understand why the feeling of fear and anxiety is so pronounced in OCD patients. The signals transmitted by their brain are very strong compared to an average person. You could stop the thought about being contaminated by a deadly virus because you know it’s not possible or real. But OCD patients cannot influence this part of the brain in any matter at all.

  • The Compulsions

They are resulting in behavior of the mentally obsessions. An OCD patient will behave in a compulsory way only with the purpose of trying to release the fear and anxiety. In very many cases the patient knows that this behavior is only going to work in a temporary manner. But it is the best thing they got to lower the fear produces the unwanted and repetitive thoughts.

Please imagine, as a result of the example given about the fear of being contaminated with a deadly virus, what are the actions an OCD patient will do.
The most frequent compulsory activities you will see in these persons will be very frequent hand washing or the excessive cleaning of the objects around them.
Some people do the thorough household cleaning because they like it to be spotless. But in the case of OCD patients, this is not their personal choice. They would rather not do actions like this, but they feel they have to, in order to get rid of the burdening fear.


What triggers OCD?

The opinions about the causes of OCD are split in the medical world.
A single cause has not been identified, and it is believed that multiple causes can trigger the OCD.
For you to have an overall idea about the roots of OCD, you should know that the causes can be biological, which means that there are changes in the natural chemistry and function of the body and brain.
It is also believed to have genetic causes, although the gene that triggers the disease has not been yet found.

Infections are also suspected of being the cause that gets OCD to manifest in certain individuals. Traumatic experiences or severe depressions can make the patient to be more predisposed to develop OCD over time, compared to the normal people.

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Read also: OCD symptoms