Alcohol consumption is a widespread habit, but scientific studies showed that alcohol has a negative impact on all of our bodies. It dehydrates us, depriving cells from their precious nutrients, it affects our internal organs, especially the liver, by decomposing into dangerous toxins and, the worse, it can destroy neurons, our most important cells. And this happens in every drink, alcohol poisoning taking these damages to a higher level.

symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Symptoms of mild alcohol poisoning

Sometimes, you don’t need to drink too much to experience alcohol poisoning. Everybody has a limit of alcohol ingestion, according to his or her body weight, which will not pose any danger. But once that limit is exceeded, then alcohol poisoning symptoms will get installed. At the moment you feel slightly dizzy or euphoric, you have been intoxicated with alcohol. This is the first sign that will manifest. So if you stop drinking now, you will diminish the effect you will feel the next day. Also, you may have flushed skin, balance lose, have difficulties in coordinating your muscles, and your ability to take decisions may also be influenced. Alcohol poisoning will also enhance your emotional state, feeling very sad, very happy or violent in some cases.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning next day

Alcohol is a depressant that works on the central nervous system. So drinking too much will have an effect on your normal brain functions, like awareness, coordination, memory and breathing correctly. Breathing is a reflexive self-protecting action, which is meant to keep you alive, so your body does it automatically. But excess alcohol can slow down this function, to the point a person forgets to breath.

The next day after heavy drinking, you will experience alcohol withdrawal. This involves nausea, trembling, shaking, headaches, lethargy, even vomiting. You may also have diarrhea, as the alcohol may have irritated your bowels. To diminish the symptoms, try drinking as much water as possible, because alcohol will severely dehydrate your body. Also, making some physical exercises will help your body sweat out the toxins.

Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning symptoms days later

Unfortunately, a severe alcohol intoxication will not be solved in a single day since large quantities of alcohol are difficult to process by your organism. You may still be experiencing brain fog, disorientation, difficulty in concentrating, stomach pains and diarrhea, nausea, headaches, which can last up to a week. The best way to keep these symptoms down is to avoid aggressing your body even more.

By any mean, do not drink any beverage with alcohol. Your system is still fighting to get rid of the overdose. Drink water, herbal teas, or fruit juice made out of freshly squeezed fruits, to keep an optimum hydration level in the body. The most alcohol is in your blood, so you need liquids to wash it out. Also, keep a simple and healthy diet. Avoid fried and junk food. Your liver has a hard enough job to clean out the alcohol, and then to tackle some more of fats and unhealthy food.

Symptoms of a hangover

The hangover is what you experience the following days after drinking too much alcohol. Depending on the severity of your alcohol intoxication, the hangover can last one or more days. You feel like tired and weak, as your muscles will hurt, and your heart beat will race. Headaches are present, together with nausea, stomach pains, and even vomiting. You will feel sensitive to strong light and sound, have the impression the room is spinning, and you won’t be able to concentrate. You won’t be able to sleep properly, increasing irritability and depression moods. You will also feel constantly thirsty and lose of appetite.

Symptoms of alcohol allergy

Like any other substance, alcohol does contain compounds that may cause allergies. Thus, drinking alcohol may trigger these allergies. Barley, yeast, wheat, gluten, hops, histamines and sulfides, are alcohol allergens. In people suffering from alcohol allergies, only a very small amount can cause them severe health issues. The symptoms connected with alcohol allergy or alcohol intolerance are stomach pains, breathing becomes a difficulty, and even collapse may occur in acute cases. Headaches, stuffy or runny nose, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, and increases in heart beats are among the common symptoms related to these allergies.

Last words, it may be hard to notice or to admit we have an alcohol problem, since we feel great when we drink and we feel miserable when we don’t. So from the point of view of many, drinking is the right thing and not drinking is making them unhappy. Still, there are some signs that should tell you that you may have a problem. And if you can’t manage them on your own, you should seek help because alcoholism can have a negative impact on your health and your life. Here is what may indicate an alcohol problem:

Symptoms of alcoholism

  • You are unable to limit the quantity of alcohol you consume;
  • You always feel the need to drink something, and this feeling is strong;
  • You start building alcohol resistance, so you end up increasing the quantities to feel the effects;
  • You start drinking alone, and you even hide when you’re drinking;
  • Nausea, sweating, even shaking are the experiences you have when you don’t drink;
  • Periods of the day become black out, as you don’t remember what you did or said;
  • You start making drinking a ritual, in particular, moments in the day, and you feel upset if something disturbs your habit;
  • You may start feeling nervous or irritated, especially when time for drinking approaches, and you don’t have any alcohol around;
  • You start experiencing problems regarding your social and personal relationship, issues at work and even with money, due to alcohol;
  • The hobbies and activities that once brought pleasure are no longer interesting for you.

Just like any other drug, alcohol makes things look brighter for a very short while, afterwards destroying your health and even your life. It is simply not worth it to subject yourself to such risks. Chose the path of a healthy and balanced life, with a balanced diet rich in anti-oxidants and vitamins, lots of exercise, happiness and no alcohol.