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Jet Lag and Night Shift Workers


Jet lag for most people is known as the temporary disorder that happens after traveling across many time zones, it is a minor disturbance of the circadian rhythm responsible for the sleep-wake cycle of the body that soon dissolves in a matter of very few days, however, there is a more consistent type of jet [...]

Jet Lag and Night Shift Workers2014-07-09T19:16:00+02:00

Travel Safe and Sleep Tight


    Traveling across many different time zones although being fun, and sometimes even necessary has one significant problem and that is Jet Lag.Jet lag is what happens when you have a circadian rhythm out of sync, confused by two very different time zones, circadian rhythm is an internal clock that controls the sleep wake cycle, [...]

Travel Safe and Sleep Tight2014-06-17T18:40:00+03:00