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White Coated Tongue vs. Oral Thrush


Oral infections are very uncomfortable, as the humid and moist air and conditions inside the mouth make them hard to heal. Not to mention that the conditions that are given by both white coated tongue, and oral thrush, is making the simple act of eating a very unpleasant one. But what is the difference between [...]

White Coated Tongue vs. Oral Thrush2017-04-08T00:42:58+02:00

Top 11 Causes of Bleeding Gums


Do you often see a couple of blood drops upon flossing or brushing your teeth? Do you think to yourself “just a few drops of blood, not a big deal “? Well, think again. Bleeding gums is usually a big deal, it is a serious indication of gum disease, gum disease is a bacterial infection [...]

Top 11 Causes of Bleeding Gums2017-01-04T17:50:48+02:00

Get to Know: What is Osteoporosis


Osteoporosis, or the silent disease is code for a progressive problem that happens to the bones.Osteoporosis is what happens when the bones of the body lose their density and mass, represented by the amount of minerals and calcium found in them.There are no signs of osteoporosis at first, it progress silently until one day it's [...]

Get to Know: What is Osteoporosis2014-06-06T11:47:00+03:00