A healthy pregnant woman is definitely a happy woman, now how can you be a healthy pregnant woman?

A good healthy diet is an important key to it. In fact, many of the same dietary elements needed for a non-pregnant woman to be healthy is still required during pregnancy only with higher demands.
Proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and iron supplements… etc, are all too essential for the welfare of both mother and child.

Prenatal Nutrition Tips

During pregnancy, the requirements and need of such elements significantly heighten to a point that even a good diet might not be enough to satisfy them.

Therefore, prenatal supplements is yet another essential key for a pregnant woman’s health.
Prenatal supplements usually contain many of the vitamins and nutrients that cannot be fully provided with food alone.
Now prenatal supplements could not be a substitute to a healthy diet, but they both should work together to ensure the intake of all the needed vitamins and nutrients.

And here are some of the most important nutrients needed during pregnancy:

Folic Acid intake:

Folic acid is highly important in preventing neural tube defects, and abnormalities in


      and spinal cord, it also promotes cell production and growth. And since usually it’s hard to confirm a


      right away, it’s recommended for women who are trying to conceive to obtain a daily intake of folic acid before pregnancy.

      Iron intake:

      The importance of iron in the oxygenation of tissues, prophylaxis of


      and prevention of preterm delivery and low birth weight babies makes it extremely important as a supplement, giving the fact that the needed iron intake triples in pregnancy to a point that it can’t be satisfied with regular diet.

      Calcium intake:

      Calcium is important for a strong bone structure and teeth growth, calcium is a necessity, not only for the benefit of the child but to protect and strengthen the mother’s bones as well.

      Vitamin D intake:

      Vitamin D is important for the absorption of


      and regulating the quantities of both calcium and


      which is needed for healthy





Finally, you must know that prenatal supplements, though being essential, they do not compensate for a healthy diet…however, together they are ingredients for a healthy baby and a healthy mother.