Anti oxidants

Home/Anti oxidants

9 Reasons to Rethink Before Smoking Again


Smoking, the great lesion which meets acceptance from many people, different ages, genders and even cultures.It is a depraved curse that makes smokers love it and sink, intentionally, deeply into it. However, there are some strong people whom could get rid of this bad habit.In order to help those -non smokers- to stay strong, we [...]

9 Reasons to Rethink Before Smoking Again2014-09-05T17:08:00+03:00

Vitamin C and Calcium-Iron Absorption


Vitamin C, is not a vitamin to always be alone. It is a co-operative vitamin, you can combine it with other minerals to get a much better effect on your health.Aside from its numerous advantages, vitamin C has shown yet another role to be played when combined with either calcium or iron.Vitamin C and Calcium:>> [...]

Vitamin C and Calcium-Iron Absorption2014-08-07T23:38:00+03:00

Use Vitamin C to Cure Your Acne


Vitamin C, almost each and everyone of us know the many benefits and uses of this very famous vitamin which is also known as ascorbic acid, we all know where to get it from, how to use it and why it's a healthy choice for our bodies and our lives.We use it to fight common [...]

Use Vitamin C to Cure Your Acne2014-08-01T21:41:00+03:00

5 Ways Vitamin C Helps Diabetics


Diabetes Mellitus, a widely spreading disease across the world, well known for its high blood glucose levels, followed by many serious complications that may or may not be avoided.Diabetes is a disease of a lot of oxidative damage to both the cells and the DNA, such damage is caused by molecules known as free radicals.The [...]

5 Ways Vitamin C Helps Diabetics2014-07-27T10:36:00+02:00