

Mechanism of Cervical Osteoarthritis (Spondylosis)


In the group of osteoarthritis illness, we can find the spondylosis arthritis which also called cervical osteoarthritis or, more commonly, the neck arthritis. As any joint in the rest of the body, the joints of the spinal cord can also suffer from degenerative disorders like this one. It is a form of arthritis most commonly [...]

Mechanism of Cervical Osteoarthritis (Spondylosis)2017-02-10T18:04:42+02:00

Osteoarthritis of the Neck (Causes, Symptoms and Treatment)


Since the cervical osteoarthritis is caused by damage of the bones in the neck area, most patients that suffer from neck arthritis had a particular background that lead them to this illness at old age. Neck arthritis causes pain in the neck area Some of them unrolled activities that overworked the spine and neck, due [...]

Osteoarthritis of the Neck (Causes, Symptoms and Treatment)2017-02-10T18:07:23+02:00

Rheumatoid Arthritis vs. Osteoarthritis part 2


We have talked in "Osteoarthritis vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis part 1" about osteoarthritis, its causes and symptoms of it. Now, it's the turn to know about a dangerous disease called "Rheumatoid Arthritis". Rheumatoid Arthritis It is a systemic inflammatory disease, which in the primary phase affects the joint, with the possibility of expanding to other organs, [...]

Rheumatoid Arthritis vs. Osteoarthritis part 22017-02-10T18:08:33+02:00

Osteoarthritis vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis part 1


Having a bone disease is not something anyone would like to experience, yet there are so many of us suffering from disorders like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. These are malfunctions of the bone system, which cause pain and heavy movements. A person who is suffering from an illness like this loses pretty much his mobility. [...]

Osteoarthritis vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis part 12017-02-10T18:09:20+02:00