

Types of Insomnia


Insomnia is a term that describes the inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep, waking up too early, or having an interrupted sleep several times through out the night are also signs of insomnia.Insomnia is what happens when there's a lack in either the amount or quality of sleep someone is getting.Types of InsomniaThe [...]

Types of Insomnia2014-06-13T14:23:00+03:00

Types of Osteoporosis


Osteoporosis, a disease of fragile thin bones, where the bones lose both their density and mass and as a result, brittle bones would fracture at the slightest fall.There are several types of osteoporosis, there is Primary Osteoporosis which consists of type 1, a condition that happens in postmenopausal women due to a drop in estrogen [...]

Types of Osteoporosis2014-06-07T23:41:00+03:00

Get to Know: What is Osteoporosis


Osteoporosis, or the silent disease is code for a progressive problem that happens to the bones.Osteoporosis is what happens when the bones of the body lose their density and mass, represented by the amount of minerals and calcium found in them.There are no signs of osteoporosis at first, it progress silently until one day it's [...]

Get to Know: What is Osteoporosis2014-06-06T11:47:00+03:00