Osteoporosis relationship with women is suspicious.
Women are twice as much exposed to the risk of developing osteoporosis than men.
Why is that?
The facts are simple, and they show that women have a smaller bone density right from the start. Their bones are also thinner and more sensitive when it comes to fractures.
Studies have shown that on average one out of two women will suffer from breaking a bone due to osteoporosis. And about 75% of the osteoporosis affecting hip bone are met in women.

An important cause of these bad numbers is the fact that bone strength is closely related to estrogen, a hormone that women will lose once entered the menopause period, or due to different reasons.
All women can prevent osteoporosis to happen through a healthy lifestyle, which should begin at a young age.

Why Osteoporosis is More Common in Women

Real Facts About Bones:

A situation that might trigger osteoporosis in later age is the way bones develop during childhood.
Between childhood and adolescence we experience a time when bones are working upon their density. Thus, a balanced diet, with enough intake of nutrients, calcium, and vitamin D, can help develop stronger bones.
Physical exercises and movement can also support a healthy body development.
When we reach 30 years old, the bones stop this process, the only thing happening at this level is seldom replacement of old bone cells, but no more stocking of bone mass.

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Particular women issues:

As found in many medical studies, it seems that the estrogen has a significant role in increasing osteoporosis risks.
During adulthood, women have a larger quantity of it, because it is responsible for triggering the reproductive cycle. When this period ends as women reach old age, the amounts of estrogen drop dramatically.

Production of estrogen can also be influenced in the cases where women have irregular periods, or if this starts up at a later age than normal.
The removal of ovaries, due to certain medical causes, will also influence the levels of estrogen. And if menopause gets installed earlier than normal the risks for osteoporosis will also increase.

There are though some scenarios when the estrogen level looks better than usual. For instance, women who experienced earlier periods than the normal age starting point or women who take contraceptive pills will have a higher estrogen levels in their bodies, comparative to other women of their age and status. Facts like this will diminish the risks of osteoporosis as increases levels of estrogen will help them build stronger bones during adulthood.

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An alternative treatment to increase estrogen level even after menopause is installed is to make an estrogen or estrogen with progesterone therapy. These treatments will help prevent major bone loss, but should only be taken after close medical inspections and at doctor’s recommendation.

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Nevertheless, a healthy lifestyle that starts out at early ages will always ensure a healthy body and a strong bone system, which will help us be better prepared to face osteoporosis risks.