Meet Vitamin C. A vitamin that is highly well-known among all other nutrients, almost everybody knows the famous VITAMIN C.
There are many vitamin C foods and fruits sources such as: citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli, strawberries, pineapple, watermelon and others.

A very common knowledge among people is the ability of vitamin C to fight common cold, to protect against it and reduce its duration.
However, that is not the only thing to know about vitamin C.

Come on and meet vitamin c

And in order to understand the benefits and importance of Vitamin C, you should take a closer look :

  • One of the most important uses of vitamin C is its use as an anti-oxidant, now what is an anti-oxidant and how is it useful?Well, an anti-oxidant is a substance that neutralizes the effects of free radicals responsible for many damages including cancer, aging, arthritis and heart disease.
  • Vitamin C is also useful in the production of collagen, a protein used in the growth and repair of tissue, to make skin, tendons,ligaments and cartilage.
  • It is used to enhance iron absorption in the body.
  • It stimulates the immune system.
  • Vitamin C has also shown to be inversely related to the incidence of coronary artery disease, stroke, high blood pressure and high cholesterol level.
  • It is used for preventing and aiding the treatment of cataract of the eyes lens.Vitamin C is a highly needed nutrient for the body, however, the human body can’t make its own vitamin C, and as a water-soluble vitamin, it can’t be stored in the body either. So it must be obtained from external sources.

    A diet rich in vitamin C is an essential source, recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is up to90 mg per day for adults, but the recommended dose of vitamin C required to reach ultimate results (500 mg daily ) would require an aid of vitamin C supplements, making it yet another essential source.

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    Dangers of Vitamin C deficiency:

    Vitamin C deficiency would result in a number of problems including:
    1- Dry skin and hair.
    2- Gingivitis and gum bleeds.
    3- Weaker immunity and withstand against infections.
    4- Pain in joints.
    5- Bleeding nose and weaker wound-healing abilities.
    6- Overall weakness and fatigue.